
TIM Smart City Challenge

A TIM Open Innovation initiative to build the cities of the future together with some of the main players in the world of industry, innovation and research, supporting the Italian Municipalities and Regions in the adoption of virtuous management models.
The Challenge is open to Italian and international companies with innovative Smart City solutions.



27 OCTOBER 2022

Applications Open
31 DECEMBER 2022

Applications Close
JAN – FEB 2023

Proposal Selection


TIM launches "TIM Smart City Challenge", an open and collaborative innovation initiative that aims to mobilize the Italian ecosystem of smart cities and sees the participation of some of the main Italian players in the ecosystem: Bikeconomy Observatory Association; CNR Department of Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport – DIITET; Edison NEXT; eFM; Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center and Startup Intelligence Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic. The purpose of TIM and its partners is to improve the offer portfolio for smart cities, further enrich the services in support of administrations, study the evolution of cities and acknowledge the needs of each individual municipality thanks to the activation of new collaborations with innovative companies that offer smart city solutions.

Why Smart City and Why Now?

The Smart City market in Italy is growing strongly, above all thanks to the resources made available by the PNRR (National Recovery and Resilience Plan) for smart cities: the estimate exceeds 10 billion euros by 2027 (source Milan Polytechnic, Smart City Observatory) and almost 30% of Italian municipalities have started at least one project related to the Smart City in the last three years.

The smart city is one of the main areas in which the TIM Group has been active for several years and on which it is working from an open ecosystem perspective and leveraging its technological assets. The collaboration with other partners aims to unite the forces of the main players in the smart city field to further promote and accelerate the transformation path of Italian cities towards the cities of the future, thanks to the experience and assets that can be made available. of the country, enabling virtuous management models of Italian cities which thus become more easily scalable and replicable throughout the territory.

Who We Seek

The TIM Smart City Challenge aims to identify startups, SMEs, scaleups and innovative national and international companies that can propose innovative solutions in the Smart City area in line with specific areas indicated by TIM and its partners and of strong interest for municipalities as they are able to support local administrations in adopting an intelligent and sustainable city model and to improve the well-being of citizens.

The main research areas are listed below; for details, please refer to the Regulations.

  • Big Data & AI, Video Analytics
  • Smart transportation & traffic
  • Waste management
  • Smart energy
  • Smart buildings

If you are interested in collaborating with the TIM Group, but you don't have one of the requirements indicated in the Regulations, you can still apply to the challenge. Our team will evaluate your solution for other initiatives in the area and if successful you will be contacted.

TIM Urban Genius

To facilitate the go to market and the scaling of the most promising solutions, TIM provides the smart city ecosystem, innovative companies and its customers with the experiences and knowledge in the smart city field, acquired also thanks to the implementation of the TIM Urban Genius platform in several Italian municipalities of heterogeneous dimensions, including Venice and Cairo Montenotte. Thanks to its open nature, the ability to cover the main aspects related to city management from an end-to-end perspective, TIM Urban Genius is configured as an enabling element on which to build the cities of the future, and able to rapidly integrate vertical services of third parties, further enriching the services supporting the administrations.

Evaluation and Awards

Recipients of the Challenge prize can be Italian and international companies, startups, scaleups and innovative SMEs that will be evaluated according to the criteria indicated in the Regulations.

    TIM Award

  • TIM Award: possibility of industrial collaboration for the experimentation of the selected solutions in one or more Italian municipalities.
  • TIM has a Smart City platform - TIM Urban Genius - already adopted by some of the main Italian municipalities, including Milan and Venice. It is an open platform capable of allowing rapid integration of third-party vertical services. Leveraging on this platform and on its widespread sales channel throughout Italy, the companies selected by TIM will have privileged access to the smart city market and the possibility of further growth in terms of customers and turnover.

    Partner Awards

  • Edison NEXT Award: opportunity for joint participation in notices and tenders in the field of Innovation/Smart City, subject to any PoC (Proof of Concept) of the proposed innovative solution 
  • eFM Award: possibility of free access for 6 months to all the spaces and the knowledge repository present in the HubQuarter network* (* it is a network of spaces, corporate and otherwise, digitally mapped on the basis of their relational capital - knowledge, skills, events, contents) as well as collaboration to integrate the selected solution into its commercial proposal on the Smart Building theme
  • CNR Department of Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport - DIITET Award: a Declaration certifying the suitability and validity of the innovative solution for the smart city contained in the proposal, together with a formal invitation to the Partner's institutional headquarters in order to to jointly evaluate possible future collaboration 
  • Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center Award: possibility to participate, within 12 months following the end of the Challenge, in one of the initiatives organized or promoted by Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center within its network
  • Bikeconomy Observatory Association Award: free incubation course lasting 12 months
  • Milan Polytechnic Startup Intelligence Observatory Award: participatin in two closed-door workshops (one of the Startup Intelligence Obervatory and one of the Smart City Observatory ); and free access to some of the paid materials (Research Report)

How to Participate

Create your account

Create a company profile

Apply to the Challenge with the created company profile


TIM Group

TIM is the leading group in Italy and Brazil in the ICT sector, which is at the forefront of digital technologies. It develops fiber fixed network infrastructures that it makes available to the entire market, both through a widespread presence throughout the country and through Sparkle at an international level. TIM offers fixed and mobile telephony services and products to individuals and families for communication and entertainment, and accompanies small and medium-sized enterprises towards digitization with a portfolio tailored to their needs. Cloud, IoT and Cybersecurity are at the heart of TIM Enterprise's End-to-End solutions for companies and Public Administration, which carry out the digital transformation of the country using the largest network of data centers in Italy, the skills of Group companies such as Noovle , Olivetti and Telsy, and partnerships with leading groups. In Brazil, TIM Brasil is one of the main players in the South American communications market and leader in 4G coverage.


Bikeconomy Observatory Association

The Bikeconomy Observatory is an association that provides advice on sustainable mobility, urban and territorial regeneration to institutions, policy makers, administrations and local bodies, companies, produces data and research also for the purposes of the EU directive on the subject Implementation of MaaS projects ( Mobility as a Service), scouts and manages startups and technologies in the sustainable mobility sector, designs and builds apps and service platforms for mobility management, operates in specialized training on soft mobility and mobility managers, organizes events and produces services linked to sustainable mobility.

CNR Department of Engineering, ICT and Technologies for Energy and Transport - DIITET 

The CNR is a national public research body with general scientific competence with the task of carrying out, promoting, disseminating, transferring and enhancing research activities in the main sectors of knowledge development and their applications for scientific, technological, economic and social development. of the country, pursuing the integration of diffusion and innovative disciplines and technologies also through collaboration agreements and integrated programs; The CNR carries out, promotes and coordinates research activities with objectives of excellence at national and international level, aimed at expanding knowledge in the main development sectors, identified in the framework of European cooperation and integration and collaboration with universities and other subjects both public and private.

Edison NEXT 

Edison NEXT is the Edison company that accompanies companies and territories in the ecological transition and decarbonization through a platform of services, solutions and skills unique on the market, in which technology and digital play a key role. In the context of the smart city in particular, Edison NEXT develops initiatives that put people and the environment at the centre, with the aim of making mobility, spaces and buildings in districts and cities increasingly intelligent and sustainable.


eFM is a platform company that deals with inhabited spaces - buildings, neighborhoods, cities - and the relationships that inhabit them. Founded in 2000 with the aim of innovating the Real Estate market through the digital transformation of properties, today eFM combines consultancy, engineering, digital and organizational skills to feed a platform capable of managing the entire life cycle of the property by bringing together the needs of all the stakeholders involved.


Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is the Intesa Sanpaolo Group company dedicated to frontier innovation. The Company explores future scenarios and trends, develops multidisciplinary applied research projects, supports startups, accelerates the business transformation of companies according to the criteria of open innovation and the Circular Economy, favors the development of innovative ecosystems and spreads the culture of innovation, to make Intesa Sanpaolo the driving force of a more aware, inclusive and sustainable economy.


Startup Intelligence Observatory of the Milan Polytechnic

The Politecnico is a scientific-technological public university that trains engineers, architects and designers and has always focused on the quality and innovation of teaching and research, developing a fruitful relationship with the economic and productive reality through experimental research and technological transfer. The Polytechnic, through the Digital Innovation Observatory (“ Observatories ”), active since 1999, carries out multiple research activities in the field of Digital Innovation with the aim of creating culture in all the main areas of Digital Innovation and today they are a point of qualified reference on Digital Innovation in Italy that integrates Research, Communication and Continuous Updating.


The initiative takes advantage of the Digital Magicsgroup and in particular of The Doers, a company specializing in scouting and Open Innovation activities.
